Welcome to the Cloud Wars Minute — your daily news and commentary show, hosted by Cloud Wars Founder Bob Evans. Each episode provides insights and perspectives around the “reimagination machine” that is the Cloud.
In this Cloud Wars Minute, Bob explains how Oracle has become the Fourth Hyperscaler, placing it alongside Microsoft, AWS, and Google Cloud.
00:18 — While “The Hyperscalers” might seem like an immutable club that nobody can join, Oracle has earned its chance to crash The Hyperscaler party.
01:02 — Although Oracle is much smaller than the three biggest providers of cloud infrastructure, the company has grown incredibly fast, and it has attracted an impressive list of customers. Its infrastructure business has reached $4 billion, with a growth rate of more than 50%.
01:44 — Recently, Oracle has been pushing multi-cloud, which seems to be working well in its favor. Additionally, Larry Ellison has been fully committed to making Oracle a big success in the cloud infrastructure space.
03:04 — Things move very quickly in the Cloud Wars. There’s a dizzying pace of growth and innovation. The notion of “hyperscalers” has to be more fluid and open because, as customer demands change, we’ll see which companies are best able to move forward.
To see more Cloud Wars content, including all recorded sessions from June’s live Cloud Wars Expo, please register here for your Cloud Wars Expo on-demand pass. The on-demand pass, which is included with your Acceleration Economy subscription, gives you access to approximately 40 hours of invaluable educational content from last month’s event.