Welcome to the Cloud Wars Minute — your daily news and commentary show, hosted by Cloud Wars Founder Bob Evans. Each episode provides insights and perspectives around the “reimagination machine” that is the Cloud.
In this episode, Bob summarizes his recent chat with Senior Vice President of IBM Consulting John Granger concerning the company’s approach to hybrid cloud partnerships.
00:10 — IBM has re-entered the growth business. Granger reports 29% hybrid cloud growth in Q2 ending June 30th.
01:06 — Granger referred to cloud infrastructure as the “pre-eminent technology of our time.”
01:53 — IBM Consulting is able to differentiate itself from competitors with its longstanding focus on specific industries, the sheer size of its business, and its established global reach.
02:13 — Granger and IBM Head of Cloud Platform Howard Boville have each mentioned no longer being in the business of clashing with Microsoft, AWS, and Google Cloud, opting instead to enter into deep partnerships with them.
02:35 — The re-acceleration of cloud growth within IBM Consulting signals a dramatic turnaround for the company over the past 27 months since CEO Arvind Krishna took control of operations.
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