Who They Are
Landit is part of a profile series featuring startups participating in the Innovation Path at Cloud Wars Expo, taking place June 28-30 in San Francisco.
Several companies on the Cloud Wars Expo Innovation Path have developed software to automate and improve employee recruitment and retention. Landit has a system that’s unique for the level of focus it has taken: It’s designed to increase engagement, retention, and mobility for women and diverse talent populations.
According to Lisa Skeete Tatum, the company’s founder and CEO, these groups are underrepresented when it comes to career growth opportunities — specifically, access to those opportunities and the people who can make them available.
“So many organizations are focused on intake but equally, if not more, important is what happens once people get in the door,” Skeete Tatum says. “Do they stay? Thrive? Progress?”
Landit’s objective is to “democratize and drive performance and career success so that work is working for everyone,” she adds.
The company develops SaaS software and offers personalized career coaching services. It offers both to corporate customers and individuals.
Landit is part of the sap.io startup accelerator program. It has $19 million in venture capital funding and was launched in 2015. Landit is headquartered in New York; the company does not disclose its number of employees.
What They Do
The company’s SaaS application is integrated with the major HR software platforms such as those from SAP SuccessFactors, Workday, and Oracle. So, time to launch and time to deliver value is accelerated.
“As you’re at career inflection points and looking to make something happen, you often don’t know where to start even though you’re expected to own and drive your career.”
Lisa Skeete Tatum, founder and CEO of Landit

Landit software provides:
- Interactive functionality that defines career paths or next steps — what the company calls personalized pathing
- Executive coaching through a network of career experts
- Curated learning experiences tailored and personalized to the individual
- Tools and ideas to develop an individual’s personal brand
- Tracking of accomplishments in the workplace
- Tracking of available opportunities with the current employer
- Metrics in areas that include: where challenges exist in the organization, mobility among staff, challenges facing first-time managers, and more

When it’s being used by a corporate customer, Landit’s software is typically purchased by the C-suite, business managers, and leaders, as well as heads of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Individuals can license the software as well; it’s even offered in a variety of gift formats starting with a “mini career tuneup.”
One especially interesting element is the coaching that the company offers as part of its service. “Coaching is a core component of what we do at scale. When someone has a seat license, they’re getting coaching and all the other tools as well,” Skeete Tatum says. Coaches are affiliated with the International Coaching Federation (ICF) — the coaches are diverse, culturally fluent, and offer over 20 languages spoken.
The disruption and displacement that have taken place in careers over the last couple of years are beneficial for Landit, as well as its customers because an investment in Landit shows an employer is invested in its people. “The last 18-24 months have proven people don’t want to return to how the workforce was configured before. In the war for talent, people are asking how you’re investing in my success,” Skeete Tatum says.
Who They’ve Impacted
Landit says its customers have experienced a 120% increase in mobility, reporting promotions within 12 months, and a 125% increase in retention, which translates to reduced attrition costs.
We weren’t able to speak directly to a customer, but a couple of blue-chip customers have previously made these statements regarding Landit’s technology:
“Landit has helped us bring our colleague development into the 21st century, providing personalized tools and resources traditionally reserved for a select few to a broader colleague population,” says Wendy Mayer, vice president, business transformation at Pfizer.
“I have seen the difference in our Landit members — they are goal-oriented, they are focused on their strengths, they understand what their weaknesses are but they’re not paralyzed by them. Landit gives you real feedback you need, real data, real insights,” says Dr. Cindy Pace, Vice President, Global Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer at MetLife.
The Future and Closing Thoughts
The disruptions we’ve all experienced are quite likely without precedent. The good news: Lots of tools are being made available to companies and individuals to navigate this challenging time. Landit’s approach — focused on women and diverse groups — is a welcome addition to the career development options available.
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