Welcome to the Cloud Wars Minute — your daily news and commentary show, hosted by Cloud Wars Founder, Bob Evans. Each episode provides insights and perspectives around the “reimagination machine” that is the Cloud. Today’s topic: Snowflake is becoming one of the “hottest” cloud companies.
0:15 – Two of the hottest companies, by far, with regards to the cloud are Snowflake and Amazon Web Services (AWS). In last week’s fiscal Q4 earnings call for Snowflake, they revealed a developing “love affair” with AWS.
0:38 – CFO of Snowflake, Mike Scarpelli, said they, “Co-sold 1.2 Billion dollars in future contract value with hyper scalers.” This is a massive amount of money for Snowflake and is a huge indicator of their future business revenue.
1:16 – When breaking down these contracts, Scarpelli said that AWS was the mass majority of these contracts, Azure had the remaining balance after that majority and Google Cloud had zero. Snowflake does have agreements with all three companies and finds it important that their customers have their choice on which one to use with Snowflake’s services.