Welcome to the Cloud Wars Minute — your daily news and commentary show, hosted by Cloud Wars Founder, Bob Evans. The next three minutes are packed with insights and perspectives around the “reimagination machine” that is the Cloud! Today’s Topic: Google Cloud is Showing Us the Money, Says Sundar Pichai.
0:25 – Bob notes that Google Cloud is continuing its streak of hypergrowth, with some remarkable numbers announced by Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai on its Q2 earnings call. To start with, Google Cloud’s overall quarterly revenue was up 45% to $5.54 billion. And for the calendar year, its revenue jumped 47% to $19.2 billion.
1:00 – Beyond the basic stats, a standout announcement from Sundar Pichai on the Alphabet earnings call was around the “mega deals” that Google Cloud landed in 2021. For the calendar year, Google Cloud landed 65% more deals worth $1 billion or more than the company did in calendar-2020. A couple examples of these are the long-term and highly strategic deals GC struck with Ford and the CME.
1:35 – It was also announced on the earnings call that purchases of Google Cloud products through the channel in 2021 was double what it was in 2020. And finally, they shared that Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian’s goal of tripling the size of GC’s sales org was achieved in 2021.
2:05 – One of the storylines that jumps out here is the changing nature of Google Cloud’s business. The company is expanding into many different areas, from industry-specific solutions to databases and security and beyond.
2:40 – Soon after the release of this video, AWS will release its quarterly and annual revenue numbers, so we’ll see how Google Cloud stacks up against the power of Amazon. Regardless of where each company lands, all this competition is simply great news for customers who reap the benefits of ongoing innovation.