Welcome to the Cloud Wars Minute — your daily news and commentary show, hosted by Cloud Wars Founder, Bob Evans. The next three minutes are packed with insights and perspectives around the “reimagination machine” that is the Cloud! Today’s Topic: Inside Q3 Cloud Revenue Growth Rates for Microsoft, AWS & Google Cloud
0:09 – This week’s episode is brought to you by Industry Cloud Battleground Week, the digital event we’re hosting from November 15 to 19 showcasing six of the most influential industry cloud vendors in the world.
0:46 – Cloud Wars Top 10 #1 Microsoft is the first company whose growth rate Bob looks at in this episode. While MSFT is growing remarkably well given its massive size—36% for the quarter, with revenue of $20.7 billion—its growth rate has been flat over the last several quarters.
01:08 – #2 AWS actually increased its growth rate over Q2, the previous quarter, hitting 39% growth and revenue of $16.1 billion in Q3.
01:25 – #3 Google Cloud earned $5 billion and grew its revenue by 45% in Q3, which is by far the highest growth rate in the Cloud Wars Top 10. But compared with 54% in Q2, Google Cloud’s growth rate has actually fallen.
01:56 – Let’s take a moment to appreciate the sheer size of these revenue numbers. Microsoft, Amazon, and Google Cloud are enormous companies that have a massive impact on all industries in all parts of the globe.
02:33 – Bob says he sees no reason why the amazing growth rates these companies are achieving—36%, 39%, and 45%—should slow down, given that we are only in the early stages of customers making the jump to the cloud, especially huge corporations in regulated industries like healthcare and financial services.
02:48 – It’s also worth watching how each of these companies are working to redefine expectations around the cloud: the days of it being just about infrastructure are long gone now.