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In today’s Cloud Wars Minute, I unpack SAP’s strategic initiative to enhance customer success.
00:35 — SAP has launched a new team to help customers post-sale, throughout implementation, and after implementation. It wants to help them boost the cloud services and solutions that SAP has sold them and also cut disappointment or potential disappointment. The team is being led by Thomas Saueressig, a member of SAP’s executive board.
01:04 — For the last several years, Saueressig has been in charge of product engineering. Before that, he was the CIO. As a CIO, he has been involved in the total transformation of the company’s product line. The initiative is called the Customer Services & Delivery Team. You could look at this as a bookend to SAP’s RISE program.
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02:05 — Now Saueressig’s team is going to be charged with helping to ensure that customers are getting the full value out of it, that they’re able to understand and adopt what the best practices are. Saueressig said AI is going to be the catalyst for innovation.
03:07 — Now, he said that among the benefits for customers will be the opportunity to have more business model innovation, to cut costs, to be able to boost competitiveness, and also employee satisfaction, because there’ll be more planning done upfront and throughout, as well as more expertise involved. This is another excellent move by SAP.
04:16 — You’ve got RISE at the front end helping the customers map out and lead the way through. Then this Customer Services & Delivery program will help once it’s in place. It again shows why it has moved into the position of being a high-growth leader in the Cloud Wars, where Christian Klein was named our CEO of the Year for 2023.