Welcome to the Cloud Wars Minute — your daily news and commentary show, hosted by Cloud Wars Founder Bob Evans. Each episode provides insights and perspectives around the “reimagination machine” that is the Cloud.
In this Cloud Wars Minute, Bob Evans explains how the megadeal between Microsoft and the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) puts Microsoft Teams in center stage.
00:26 — Last week, Bob discussed how the megadeal between Microsoft and LSEG represents a new type of buyer-seller relationship that will become more popular in the future.
00:39 — A part of this deal that has not gotten as much coverage is the role that Microsoft is setting out for its Teams application. Bob predicts Microsoft Teams will take center stage in this deal.
01:02 — Microsoft and LSEG are calling the product the London Stock Exchange Group workspace on Microsoft Teams, which represents how Microsoft Teams is a robust platform that external organizations can use to co-create new solutions, applications, and workspaces.
01:42 — Additionally, Microsoft and LSEG call this solution “an open, all-in-one data analytics, workflow, and collaboration solution that will reimagine client experiences for the first time.” Not only will this be used internally, but it will be offered to clients, too.
02:49 — Microsoft Teams is now being reimagined as a platform to build other things — no longer just a way to communicate.
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