This video is part of a series featuring the top takeaways from Cloud Wars Expo 2022 by each one of Acceleration Economy’s analysts. If you like what you see, missed Cloud Wars Expo in person, or just want to watch it all again, you can access recorded sessions on the Cloud Wars Expo website. All session recordings — eventually all 40-plus hours of them — are free for registered attendees, as well as for Cloud Wars and Acceleration Economy subscribers. You just need to register for an on-demand pass, so be sure to sign up for access now.
00:14— Acceleration Economy analyst Kenny Mullican recounts his role and experience at the live Cloud Wars Expo event in San Francisco last month.
01:12 — Kenny emphasizes being at an event in person again after the last few years of online-only attendance was a welcome change. With 6-7 simultaneous sessions running along with having responsibilities as a speaker, moderator, or host keeping him in one room at a time, Kenny is as excited as anyone to catch up on missed sessions with the on-demand pass.
01:59 — Keynotes, fireside, and battleground sessions ensured the expo’s content variation stayed fresh through all three days.
03:12 — Kenny’s highlights of the week include hosting the manufacturing battleground track on Day 3, the CXO2 lounge discussions, the Innovation Path competition, and catching up with old friends in person.