Welcome to the Cloud Wars Minute — your daily news and commentary show, hosted by Cloud Wars Founder Bob Evans. Each episode provides insights and perspectives around the “reimagination machine” that is the Cloud.
In this episode, Bob examines the unique collaboration between Oracle and Microsoft to ensure a better multi-cloud experience for customers utilizing clouds from both vendors.
00:00 — Oracle and Microsoft are intense cloud competitors but still managed to forge a deal to make life better for customers who use both Oracle and Microsoft clouds.
01:01 — A recent announcement for Oracle Database Service for Azure allows the full range of Oracle’s cloud infrastructure database to be used by Azure customers.
01:37 — Competitors can drive new value for customers by collaborating in some respects while competing in others. Previous issues with interoperability, latency, security, and other key areas will now be resolved thanks to the unique customer-centric approach by both Oracle and Microsoft.
02:31 — The truce between these two cloud giants elevates customer expectations for multi-cloud environments, and will likely influence how other major cloud vendors approach multi-cloud solutions.
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