By: ANDI (Seetharaman A. Rajaram) – Senior Consultant
Please find the steps to guide you through the process of handling outsourcing as a part of the Assembly Process.
Step 1:
- Parent Item: Create an Assembly Bill of Material (BOM) for the final product/Finish Good
- For example: (Part no/Part name: 10000-RS/ Flower Assembly)
- Child Items:
- Flower Leaf (part No: 10001-L)
– 8 Nos.
- 10002-S
Flower Stick Assembly 1 No
a. Stick Assembly
- Child Item: Flower Stick (Part No: 100021-S)
- Add a cost for Labor charge for Assembly of Parent item (10000-RS)
- Create a Resource
- Define a labor cost and add labor cost to the assembly (outsource charge)
Step 2:
Processing Orders
1. Create Sales order for part no: 10000-RS/ Flower Assembly (This creates an Assembly order automatically when all the Assembly setup are in place)
- Location: MAIN
2. Create Purchase Order to “Vendor A” for Flower (part no/part name: 10001-L/ Flower Leaf)
- Location: MAIN
- Post Receipts (Ship to: Deliver the flower to “Vendor B”) and Post Vendor Invoice
3. Create Purchase Order to “Vendor B” for Stick Assembly (part no/part name: 10002-S / Flower Stick Assembly)
- Location: MAIN
- Post Receipts for Assembled Flower
- Post Purchase Invoice
Note: Now, BC will have stock for 10001-L/ Flower Leaf and 100021-S / Flower Stick
Step 3:
1. Post Sales Shipment (Consumption and output will be registered automatically in the automatically created Assembly order)
2. Post Sales Invoice
For more information on outsourcing as part of the Assembly Process in Business Central, please schedule a free consultation or email us at!