Welcome to the Cloud Wars Minute — your daily news and commentary show hosted by Cloud Wars Founder Bob Evans. The guest host of today’s episode is Chris Hughes. Each episode provides insights and perspectives around the “reimagination machine” that is the cloud.
This episode is sponsored by Acceleration Economy’s “Cloud Wars Top 10 Course,” which explains how Bob Evans builds and updates the Cloud Wars Top 10 ranking, as well as how C-suite executives use the list to inform strategic cloud purchase decisions. The course is available today.
00:40 — Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced the general availability of its Amazon Security Lake capability within AWS. This feature helps organizations centralize all their security data from across their AWS environments, including software-as-a-service (SaaS), cloud environments, and on-premises environments, into a single purpose-built data lake.
01:00 — Amazon Security Lake converts all the security data and telemetry from across multiple environments using the Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF). OCSF is an industry collaboration that standardizes logging data from security tools and platforms.
01:35 — Amazon Security Lake allows users to analyze data from more than 80 different sources, including AWS-native sources and other security partners and analytics providers. It consolidates insights on cloud security, misconfigurations, vulnerabilities, infrastructure-as-code templates, and container scanning in the Amazon Security Lake platform.
02:16 — This is a great step forward for the industry. Anyone who’s worked in security and conducted incident response or continuous monitoring knows how challenging it is to bring together data from different sources and try to make sense of it all.
02:46 — The Amazon Security Lake brings together data from different tools into a comprehensive platform that’s underpinned by AWS. It can provide the data-driven analytics security leaders need to help make decisions to drive down risk.