“Steube on Spending” episodes provide timely windows into enterprise-IT buying trends from a guy who’s got the data to back it up. Peter Steube, managing director of Enterprise Technology Research (ETR), joins us to discuss what his company is learning from surveys of big-company CIOs and IT decision-makers around the world. Today, Peter and I discuss how cybersecurity is increasingly top of mind for enterprises.
Episode 3
In this episode: Peter and I talk about what his team at ETR is observing in terms of trends around technology spending amid the disruptions caused by COVID-19. Peter makes the astute observation that moving to work-at-home environments or a remote infrastructure environments make it even more important than ever for businesses to focus on protecting themselves from cybersecurity threats.
Showcasing some specific ETR data, Peter highlights that many companies are increasing their spend on Azure, AWS, and Google – the three primary public cloud providers. Given that we recorded this episode in the midst of an earnings announcement period, Peter and I also look at how Salesforce in particular is weathering COVID-19’s disruptions. Hint: they’re doing very well.
In touching on another cloud-industry leader, Peter says there’s a saying at ETR about the three uncertainties in life: death, taxes and good spending data on Microsoft. He thinks that Microsoft Azure is going to continue to win over AWS and Google.
Also in this episode:
- Most companies are holding their IT spend steady
- Salesforce strengthened its overall spending intentions
- Digital transformation initiatives have become a part of life
- Zoom vs. Microsoft Teams vs. Slack
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'The primary focus for CIOs today is keeping the lights on and accelerating things that make their business better.' #CloudWars Click To Tweet 'I think that one of the things that will come out of the work from home revolution is the need to track productivity and engagement with employees. And @Salesforce is one of the tools that does that best.' #CloudWars Click To Tweet 'We have a saying around our office, that there's three certainties in life: death taxes, and good spending data on @Microsoft.' #CloudWars Click To Tweet
Cloud Wars Live Digital All-Stars
Peter Steube is one of our regular Digital All-Stars. The All-Stars are experts who will appear in regular video podcasts focused on the critical themes shaping (and re-shaping!) the business world in the digital age of 2020. Our intention is to provide regular chunks of timely ideas, insights and conversations on high-priority subjects from industry veterans with diverse backgrounds.