
Future Office of the CFO Minute

Future Office of the CFO Minute: How Can CFOs Embrace AI

Artificial intelligence shouldn’t be viewed as yet another shiny toy, but embraced as new way to be efficient. In this Future Office of the CFO Minute, there are 3 factors that need to be considered to help CFOs stay competitive.

Future Office of the CFO Minute: Playing Offense in a Defensive World

How well a CFO coaches and leads by playing inside the rules determines the success of the company’s offense in spite of security attacks. The CFO can influence the way the business invests in people and technology to put up a strong front against cybercriminals.

Compliance Advantage

Digital compliance is impacting the change of laws, change of security tools and options, and how companies are being held accountable. CFOs need to shift their thinking on how compliance can an advantage.

Future Office of the CFO Minute: Do You Trust Automation Technology

With RPA growth expected to hit 32.8% by 2028, there are still hesitancy in trusting automation. Why are CFOs lacking trust in automation? Could it be “old-school” thinking and relying on “gut instinct”? It’s time for CFOs to rethink automation.

Future Office of the CFO: The Advantages of Automation Standards

There are many advantages to automation standards. And, for the CFO, this can be truly beneficial for long-term company growth, In this Future Office of the CFO Minute, some of these advantages are covered to ensure you are equipped for success

Future Office of the CFO: Disruption and the CFO: Is It a Welcome Advantage?

For the CFO, there needs to be a fine balance between investing in people and technology. This requires tight collaboration between finance and other areas of the business. However, this can cause huge disruption if not properly executed.