Think your company is immune to a SWA-style meltdown? Not so fast. Wayne Sadin explains why CXOs must implement technology oversight in four key areas: capacity risk, project risk, disaster risk, and technical debt.
CIOs need to make sure ERP systems are up-to-date or risk running into business difficulties. Kenny shares five priorities when implementing modernization.
In episode 19, Kenny outlines five priorities for chief information officers to ensure that an enterprise resource planning system is a launching point for new technology innovation in business strategies.
In ep. 36 of the Data Modernization Minute, Wayne shares the example of a data widget company its inability to pivot.
In this Cloud Wars Expo moment, Eric Washer, VP of Industry and CFO, Product Strategy, Workday, describes what modern ERPs need to include to adhere to the shifting demands of varying industries.
In this Data Modernization Battleground Moment, Wayne explains how the data landscape has dramatically shifted, specifically around volume, velocity, and variability.
In this Cloud Wars Minute, Bob explains a recent story posted to Microsoft’s website, which explains the ERP deal that the company won in 2019. In this deal, Microsoft’s client is New York City’s Department of Environmental Protection, who aim to replace old mainframes in efforts to deliver fresh, safe drinking water to residents.
In this Road to Celosphere interview, AmerCare Royal CIO Jeff DeSandre says he looks forward to networking and learning about potential Celonis use cases.
Bob Evans breaks down the reasons why SAP’s third quarter cloud performance, with revenue up by $3.8 billion, is so remarkable.
In this Cloud Wars Expo Moment, Joe Wilson, Chief Technology Officer for Americas at Workday, discusses how Workday is integrating other existing hospitality solutions into its systems.
Verusen, Stockly, FindMine and TotalCtrl are all part of SAP.iO’s startup accelerator; all are expanding with customers, wins, or investments.
On location at Oracle CloudWorld, Bob Evans discusses Oracle’s impressive positioning, thanks to last quarter’s 45% cloud-revenue growth rate.
Sana ties its e-commerce store directly to Microsoft Dynamics and SAP ERP systems, ensuring access to real-time, synchronized data.
In Cloud Wars Horizon Minute, Ep. 56, Tom Smith profiles Sana, which develops cloud e-commerce software that is always in sync with a company’s ERP data, and it also includes built-in payment functionality.
In this Cloud Wars Expo Moment, Si-Mohammed Said talks about SAP’s Cloud ERP solutions, which offer standardization in non-differentiated markets, but can also tailor to individual business needs.
In this Cloud Wars Expo Moment, Indy Bains and Eric Washer explain what modern ERPs need to be optimized for talent retention.
In this Cloud Wars Expo Moment, excerpted from the Cloud ERP education sessions, Indy Bains explains how the pandemic influenced companies to rethink technology’s role and accelerated digital transformation.
In CXO2 Minute, Ep. 48, Wayne Sadin pleas for organizations, in particular smaller companies, to “stop the madness” and re-evaluate their partners and systems to reduce unnecessary IT costs.
Though it offers many advantages, Cloud ERP still raises many security concerns for some companies. The following best practices can help.
In this Cloud Wars Expo Moment, excerpted from the “Cloud ERP Migration 101” education session, Si Mo-Hammed Said breaks down SAP’s ERP technology.