In this Road to Celosphere interview, AmerCare Royal CIO Jeff DeSandre says he looks forward to networking and learning about potential Celonis use cases.
Search Results: CIO (1545)
Parte 1 de una serie de Recomendaciones para implementar un proyecto de inteligencia artificial, lo que un gerente debe saber.
La transformación digital ofrece enormes posibildades en un entorno de marketing B2B que las empresas deben incorporar como parte estratégica.
El gobierno de datos es un asunto transversal que debe estar respaldado por los máximos ejecutivos y responsables de cualquier organización.
Se ha detectado un código malicioso en una de las aplicaciones desarrolladas en Huggingface que están disponibles gratuitamente al público en el Hub de Huggingface, lo que ha llevado a algunas voces a cuestionar si el software open-source es seguro o no.
¿Cómo encontrar oportunidades de negocio usando datos? La forma de hacer la búsqueda de oportunidades es distinta si se trata de una organización o empresa ya establecidad o si se trata de una startup.
Analyst Aaron Back talks with Oracle CIO Jae Evans about CloudWorld 2022 and what customers can expect to see. Sponsored by Oracle.
In this Cloud Wars Expo Moment, Suvajit Basu shares an example of how the food company’s CEO made informed, bold choices about its future.
Este evento aglutina más de 300 ponentes que ofrecerán más de 500 sesiones de Microsoft Dynamics y Microsoft Power Platform: Power BI, Power Apps, Power Automate y Power Agents
Despite a perfect storm of disruption, demographic shifts and a pandemic changing the nature of work, CIOs have unprecedented opportunities. Gain insight on how take advantage of them in this guidebook featuring wisdom from CIO Kenny Mullican.
Goya Foods’ Suvajit Basu says VMWare is one of the world’s most important tech firms. He, Bob Evans, & Tony Uphoff discuss the Broadcom deal.
In a world with a million independent software vendor choices, companies increasingly must get outside help. Janet Schijns offer tips on optimizing the process.
In this Cloud Wars Expo Moment, Philippe Lalumiere explains why CIOs must make the case for how technology can support the organization.
Bob Evans and Smith’s CIO and VP of IT discuss inclusive leadership and culture, overcoming challenges, and how Workday has transformed the prestigious women’s liberal arts college in Massachusetts.
In this Cloud Wars Minute, Bob Evans shares highlights from his recent interview with Smith’s CIO and VP of IT on the topic of digital transformation in higher education.
What should a CIO do and know? How should a CIO fit into an organization? In Episode 47 of the CXO2 Minute, Wayne Sadin answers these questions and more for CEOs who want to make the most of this role.
In Part 3 of this CIO guide to “getting a seat at the table,” Kenny and Wayne explain why IT execs must interact with CXOs and all levels of the organization to better effect digital transformation.
Robert Wood offers three ways that a positive culture can be created to attract and keep the right cybersecurity talent for your organization
Defina un objetivo general y a partir de ahí comience a analizar sus datos como si nunca antes lo haya hecho. Le ayudará a ver oportunidades.
La protección de datos en sus tres estados require adaptar la estrategia a cada perfil de usuario, sistema y aplicación. Entendamos cada caso.