Sheri Rhodes of Workday explains what is required of CIOs to stay relevant in the ever-evolving world of business technology.
Search Results: CIO (1545)
Lev Gonick, Arizona State University CIO, explains why modern CIOs must do more than just service the business.
Rob Carter, CIO and EVP, FedEx, explains how the modern cloud world has reduced risk and made it easier for companies to move forward, rather than stand still.
Businesses are exposed if they “don’t move on from the legacy technologies that don’t represent today’s dominant design compute,” says the FedEx CIO.
Bob Evans and Chris Hughes discuss the evolving role of the CIO, and explore the relationship between a CIO and a CISO in this Digital CIO Summit moment.
Embracing digital transformation, cybersecurity, energy-efficent infrastructure, and relevant data and systems helps meet sustainability goals.
Day 3 of Acceleration Economy’s Digital CIO Summit included a CISO panel, discussions around cybersecurity, digital natives, and co-creation.
From cloud and data modernization frameworks to digital transformation lessons, Day 2 of Digital CIO Summit delivered a wide range of timely insights.
Bill Doerrfeld recomienda algunas buenas prácticas de usar Inteligencia Artificial aplicada a la detección automatizada de vulnerabilidades en finanzas.
The first day of the Digital CIO Summit was filled with first-person perspectives and practitioner-led sessions about the role of the CIO.
Joanna Martinez describe el impacto que provoca el uso de Inteligencia Artificial y Automatización Robótica de Procesos (RPA) en compras y suministros.
Tom Smith analiza el impacto beneficio de Celonis en instituciones gubernamentales, aportando transparencia y ahorros significativos de costes.
Janet Schijns concluye una entrevista con Joanna Martínez sobre agregar valor e ingresos con asociaciones estratégicas de compras.
Joanna Martinez describe en esta entrevista con Janet Schijns, la importancia del nuevo alcance del departamento de compras en el entorno actual empresarial.
Janet Schijns describe en este analysis la estrategia y pasos adecuados para que consultoras de tecnología (IT) ofrezcan nuevos servicios con éxito.
Kenny Mullican escribe las múltiples ventajas y beneficios de una estrategia multi-nube sobre la operación de la cadena de suministro.
Users are straying from the notions of data lakes and data warehouses, moving closer to data lakehouses, explains Wayne Sadin in this moment.
Además de OpenAI, Kieron Allen describe los avances de C3 AI como un disruptor en la informática de aplicaciones empresariales con IA.
Frank Domizio shares his thoughts on cybersecurity’s place in the C-suite today, as well as the value of customer stories on software and other technology solutions.
Tom Smith analiza la gran novedad de Salesforce para la contabilidad de emisiones de carbono, y su impacto positivo en organizaciones.