Welcome to Episode 42 of the Cloud Wars Horizon Minute — featuring news and commentary hosted by Acceleration Economy analyst Tom Smith. Each episode provides insights into one or more Innovation Accelerators on the Cloud Wars Horizon. This episode details a concept called “Deep Cloud” that IBM introduces in a new research report.
00:55 — A provocative report from the IBM Institute for Business Value makes a compelling case for companies to pursue Deep Cloud outcomes.
01:20 — Tom gives his own spin on what Deep Cloud means, namely directing IT and cloud investment toward high-value business initiatives that will move the financial needle for your business. It’s digital transformation that succeeds because it’s pointed to the right functions and the right people (AKA, customers).
01:55 — Deep Cloud projects include 5 important elements.
02:05 — They are directed at business-critical operations, not support functions.
02:15 — Better performance starts with the design of value streams or value propositions for customers.
2:30 — It involves tech tools including SaaS and industry cloud software, data technologies including AI and automation, security, and networks.
02:40 — Delivery of “material” business value is reflected in the cost/income ratio of running an enterprise relative to its revenues.
02:52 — It includes value activation, which is the process of fully realizing the business value that has been enabled
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