In this moment from our Oracle: Understanding the One-of-a-Kind Hyperscaler course, Bob Evans explores Oracle’s Alloy Program, which is reshaping industry dynamics by fostering collaboration between Oracle technology and customer expertise.

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00:09 — It was late in 2022 when Oracle announced its Alloy program, and some people said, “That doesn’t sound like the Oracle we’ve all known for a long time.” But it does reflect, beautifully, where the company is right now.
00:34 — The Alloy program’s name is based on the alloy idea of trying to pull a couple of different things together to yield the strength of two things. It could be Oracle technology and the customer’s industry expertise. It could also be geographic expertise and specificity.
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01:02 — It’s a way of Oracle saying, “You know, this isn’t like the old world where I can go personally sort of grab every customer.” There’s just too much business to be done for a company like Oracle to think it could that on its own.
01:27 —You plug Oracle in as the cloud technology provider, then let those customers blossom and grow into becoming cloud providers with very deep expertise that neither Oracle nor anybody else could develop.