Welcome to the Cloud Wars Minute — your daily news and commentary show, hosted by Cloud Wars Founder, Bob Evans. Each episode provides insights and perspectives around the “reimagination machine” that is the Cloud.
00:11 — A key driver of the greatest growth market is Microsoft. In a recent interview at an investors conference, Microsoft CFO, Amy Hood addressed many issues of what’s going on at Microsoft and in the market.
00:31 — A major point that Hood emphasized was customer priorities. While acknowledging the importance of customer priorities, she also highlighted the notion of growth as one of the current top priorities of customers.
01:39 — Further in the conversation, Hood proposed questions that customers should be thinking about: What new markets can I get into? How can I quicken the pace of innovation? How can I launch new products more rapidly?
02:00 — These points also reflect Microsoft’s view of the world. For instance, in its last quarter, Microsoft’s cloud business grew 32% to $22.1 billion—so the company understands the notion of growth.
02:24 — Hood was trying to convey the idea that customers are not turning to the cloud to be more efficient or assist with maintenance. Rather, customers are turning to the cloud as the reimagination machine—for new business models, new revenue sources, new ways of engaging with customers, and new ways of co-creating with customers and partners.
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