This is a preview of the Acceleration Economy Cloud Wars Top 10 Course featuring C-suite practitioner analysts replicating the dynamic of executives discussing, debating, and defining the vendor selection process in the context of the Cloud Wars Top 10 listing of the largest and most customer-focused cloud providers.
This episode is sponsored by Acceleration Economy’s “Cloud Wars Top 10 Course,” which explains how Bob Evans builds and updates the Cloud Wars Top 10 ranking, as well as how C-suite executives use the list to inform strategic cloud purchase decisions. The course is available today.
In this preview of the course’s first segment, Acceleration Economy Co-founder and Cloud Wars Founder Bob Evans explains the criteria for the Cloud Wars Top 10 rankings. Customer focus, growth in their cloud business, and the ability to innovate are a few of the key factors considered when creating and updating the rankings.
The executive buying committee for this course includes:
- Bob Evans
- CEO Tony Uphoff
- CFO Manny Korakis
- CIO/CTO/CDO Wayne Sadin
- Partnerships expert Janet Schijns
Tom Smith serves as moderator of the discusion
00:20 — Bob shares some of the criteria used to determine the Cloud Wars Top 10 companies. Many are under the impression it’s determined by deep algorithms developed by thousands of data scientists, but it’s not quite that way.
00:34 — The big thing, explains Bob, is looking at the market from the point of view of customers.
00:50 — Another piece of the criteria is how much companies are growing. “There’s something about a company showing rapid growth in a very competitive market” which speaks to why customers select one company over another.
Each class segment is followed by the top takeaways for sellers and buyers of cloud technology, delivered by Acceleration Economy co-founder John Siefert.
Other course segments cover:
- A breakdown of each Cloud Wars Top 10 company and why they rank where they do
- CXO executive buying committee on why and how they use the Cloud Wars Top 10
- Why Celonis is on the Cloud Wars Top 10 Horizon
You can purchase the full course today for the introdcutory price of only $199.