Welcome to the Cloud Wars Minute — your daily news and commentary show, hosted by Cloud Wars Founder Bob Evans. Each episode provides insights and perspectives around the “reimagination machine” that is the Cloud.
01:27 — An SAP executive recently attributed part of the spiking price of gas to talent shortage at refineries.
02:04 — At the onset of the 2020 pandemic, most big refineries cut back on production due to severe lack of demand. As businesses picked up in early 2022, those same refineries are struggling to attract the amount of talent necessary to handle complex equipment and jobs.
02:34 — While not the only factor contributing to high gas prices, talent shortages represent a significant problem all industries must strategize around.
03:23 — Big cloud vendors are choosing to position themselves as industry experts to meet more specific customer needs.
04:06 — There must be more direction from executives when it comes to holistic business strategy and outcomes.