Welcome to the Cloud Wars Minute — your daily cloud news and commentary show. Each episode provides insights and perspectives around the “reimagination machine” that is the cloud.

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In this Cloud Wars Minute, guest host Kieron Allen explores the latest investment by IBM into the supply chain industry.
00:05 — IBM plans to invest $730 million over the next five years to expand its 800-acre semiconductor packaging and testing plant in Canada. The driving factor in this expansion is to strengthen the company’s semiconductor supply chain and reduce the reliance on offshore packaging facilities.
00:36 — IBM’s move to expand the Canadian plant addresses potential supply chain disruption risks by developing a reliable source of semiconductors onshore in North America. This strategy mirrors one of the U.S. government, which is determined to bring back semiconductor manufacturing to the country.
01:05 — While there is often talk about the importance of hardware in the AI revolution, it’s not often that we see such an active step in securing the critical components that will drive growth in the U.S. sector. We should certainly expect to see other regional manufacturers taking similar steps to secure national and regional interests and dilute monopolization of the market.