Tony Uphoff hosts Philippe Lalumiere, Vice President of IT, Cirque du Soleil, and a featured speaker at the upcoming Digital CIO Summit, to discuss how he progressed to a career in information technology (IT) and his top priorities for the upcoming year. Register for your free Digital CIO Summit streaming pass here.
To hear more data modernization, AI/hyperautomation, cybersecurity, and growth strategies from CIO practitioners, tune into Acceleration Economy’s Digital CIO Summit, which takes place April 4-6. Register for the free event here.
00:11 — Tony asks Lalumiere to give an overview of how he embarked on a career in IT and to describe his current role as Vice President of IT. Lalumiere’s IT career started “through the world of project management.” In 2018, he joined Cirque du Soleil as the company’s head of the Project Management Office.
01:16 — In 2019, he took over as the head of the Business Solution Delivery Unit, before being furloughed in 2020 due to the pandemic. In 2021, Lalumiere joined the team again, taking on the role of Vice President of IT.
02:20 — He describes how the company had to work to rebuild the team after the pandemic, as it had major effects on the entertainment industry and the ability to produce live shows. Now, Lalumiere explains that Cirque du Soleil is “almost at the operational level that we were before the pandemic.”
03:39 — What are LaLumiere’s priorities for 2023 as the company is back to operating at a normal pace?
03:50 — Lalumiere shares that it has always been a challenge for Cirque du Soleil to select just a few priorities. However, the organization is looking to focus on its customer-centric digital transformation. Given that Cirque du Soleil is a show-centered organization, the company is looking for ways to leverage data — and that of its customers — to create the experiences that they want. In order to achieve this priority, Cirque Du Soleil is implementing a customer data platform.
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