Stream the Cloud Wars Live podcast to hear Wayne Sadin break down how companies can (and should) implement modern cloud ERP more easily & cheaply than ever.
On this episode of the Cloud Wars Live podcast, hear Wayne Sadin on the crisis-inspired changes (like the telemedicine revolution) that are here to stay.
Stream a new episode of the Cloud Wars Live podcast, to hear veteran CTO/CDO Wayne Sadin explain what IT depts should be doing amid the COVID-19 crisis.
Stream the latest episode of the Cloud Wars Live podcast, to hear Wayne Sadin’s advice for how businesses should prep for COVID-19 work-from-home periods.
Stream the latest Cloud Wars Live podcast. Wayne Sadin and I discuss the promise of shadow IT, or collaborative IT: creating a single source of truth.
Stream the latest episode of Sadin on Digital from Cloud Wars Live, to hear Wayne Sadin explain how legacy companies can flip the switch to modern tech.
Stream this episode of the Cloud Wars Live podcast to hear Wayne Sadin ‘s recommendations, warnings and ideas from his 2020 memo to boards and the C-Suite.
Stream a new episode of Cloud Wars Live, with Wayne Sadin talking about the CIO role and how it’s changed. CIOs should really be the Chief Process Person.
Stream the latest episode of Cloud Wars Live. All-Star guest Wayne Sadin shares his essential knowledge of “technical debt” and the risks of falling behind.
Stream a new episode of “Sadin on Digital,” from Cloud Wars Live, to hear Wayne’s take on the Capital One security breach—and whether AWS is at fault.
“Wayne Sadin on Digital Strategy” episodes will explore the fast-changing and high-stakes world of digital business. We’ll focus on what…
“Questions to Ask Your CIO” || In this episode of Sadin on Digital, Wayne shares the questions he’d ask an incoming CIO (and what the answer should be).
Watch or stream episode 4 of Sadin on Digital, where we discuss the new generation of ERP solutions—and how CEOs and the board should assess them.
Cybersecurity and the C-Suite || Cloud Wars’ “Wayne Sadin on Digital Strategy” explores how and why cybersecurity has become a strategic differentiator.
Tech industry veteran Wayne Sadin talked to me about digital transformation, C-Suite responsibilities, IT spending in the cloud, and more.
C-Suite Priorities in the Digital Age || Cloud Wars’ “Wayne Sadin on Digital Strategy” explores the evolving priorities for boards and CXOs.
Why CEOs Must Set Digital Mandate || Cloud Wars’ “Wayne Sadin on Digital Strategy” explores the roles of CEOs and boards in the Digital Age.