Will infrastructure leader Amazon acquire Zoom, in preparation for the digital future and to grab back the microphone in the Cloud Wars?
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Few if any companies have ever experienced a quarter that can match what Zoom Communications and founder Eric Yuan have just been through.
Read what Workday CEO Aneel Bhusri had to say to investors about how the limitations of on-premises systems are hampering companies’ recovery efforts.
On CNBC in late May, Lowe’s CEO Marvin Ellison outlined how Google Cloud boosted the performance of Lowes.com and the company’s quarterly results.
In a profound development for Salesforce, its fastest-growing category is “Platform and Other,” surpassing Service, Sales, Marketing & Commerce clouds.
On Salesforce’s Q1 earnings call, Marc Benioff delivered inspiration, offering business leaders hope and confidence to in the midst of economic devastation.
From the Workday fiscal 2021 Q1 earnings call, a collection of key comments from CEO Aneel Bhusri and his executive team on customers, competition & more.
On the Workday fiscal Q1 earnings call later today (May 27), I expect CEO Aneel Bhusri to make some pointed comments about the competitive landscape.
10 dazzling customer engagements Microsoft has disclosed in the past 18 months that highlight Satya Nadella ‘s ambitious view of digital transformation.
Created in deep partnership with Microsoft, FedEx Surround allows customer to dive as deeply as they want into extensive data and analytics.
ServiceNow CEO Bill McDermott regaled investors last week with his thoughts on competitive dynamics, the power of culture and even the Grateful Dead.
With the news of two new Microsoft acquisitions in the networking and telecom space, traditional players in that industry better step up their game.
Guest author Jiri Kram takes through the last decade or so, to explore how 151-year old Goldman Sachs is becoming a technology company.
Video-conferencing company 8×8 remains an AWS customer, but the new deal has Oracle cloud infrastructure handling its surging video workloads.
To diginomica.com, SAP CEO Christian Klein predicted increasing tension with Microsoft & Google over applications & control over customer transformations.
While the two companies are currently strategic partners in cloud, SAP and Google Cloud could soon face off, as both focus on industry-specific apps.
In this Cloud Wars guest post, author Jiri Kram explores how Salesforce might pivot and keep growing, if it says “sayonara” to Oracle databases.
This article is sponsored by Oracle. Group VP of AI Data Analytics Cloud, Bruno Aziza, explains why he’s turning the Oracle Analytics Summit into a series.
To grow revenue and make Oracle into a big-time IaaS player, Larry Ellison is changing the rules of the game to align with his strengths.
While the prospect of a Q2 downturn is real, the cloud industry’s 3 big hyperscalers generated Q1 revenue of $26.3B, and Amazon topped $10B for first time.