As sustainability becomes a key focus for businesses and critical infrastructure, organizations must also prioritize cybersecurity and secure data standards to safeguard emerging technologies like IoT and OT devices from evolving cyber threats.
Search Results: supply chain (1308)
Kenny Mullican escribe las múltiples ventajas y beneficios de una estrategia multi-nube sobre la operación de la cadena de suministro.
Google Cloud has introduced a simple, powerful online tool to help businesses optimize their data-sovereignty initiatives, namely titled Sovereignty Explorer.
Maturity models serve as roadmaps to help organizations successfully navigate their zero-trust journey. Rob Wood breaks down the benefits of one model’s iterative approach.
Tom Smith analiza la gran novedad de Salesforce para la contabilidad de emisiones de carbono, y su impacto positivo en organizaciones.
Today’s Growth Swarm podcast focuses on the difference between strategy and process and why it’s critical to find the right balance between the two.
The zero trust security framework can protect sensitive data from evolving cyber threats, says Frank Domizio.
Kenny Mullican explica en este artículo la importancia de la colaboración conjunta con socios externos para la creación de valor.
Single cloud solutions may be simpler to manage, but they may also turn out to be more expensive over time. Here’s why a multi-cloud architecture could work better for your organization.
Lookout Strategy Chief Aaron Cockerill drills into the company’s State of Mobile Phishing Report and says education is a key tactic to reduce the threat.
Acceleration Economy analyst Tom Smith shares his top session picks for all three days of the upcoming Digital CIO Summit in this discussion with Aaron Back.
Joanna Martinez describe en este artículo el proceso de adquisición de datos externos y las particularidades de su gestión en la cadena de suministro.
Toni Witt explica en este artículo algunos ejemplos de usar inteligencia artificial y web3 -blockchain- para incrementar la sostenibiliad ambiental.
Frank Domizio explains how partnering with a CISO can provide expertise, tools, and support to ensure that sensitive data remains secure.
IT professional services firms are skyrocketing in growth. They’ll need to add new service lines to meet customer and market demand. Analyst Janet Schijns outlines the steps to do so effectively.
Analista Kenny Mullican expone cómo la hiper-automatización es una estrategia transversal que impacta positivamente en empleados y clientes.
In this interview, Google Cloud vice president Umesh Vemuri shares insights into what the new Uber partnership will look like.
Robert Wood describe en este artículo cómo las entidades de gobierno usan los marcos de ciberseguridad para mejorar la protección de datos.
Frank Domizio aporta una visión sobre ciberseguridad en el desarrollo de citizen developers y desarrollos de aplicaciones low-code no-code.
Janet Schijns explains why she encourages businesses to talk to a partner today about multi-cloud strategies if they aren’t already doing so.