Stream the latest episode of the Cloud Wars Live podcast. Thomas CEO Tony Uphoff walks us thru data trends, the impact of COVID-19 on supply chains & more.
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In the wake of Oracle’s better-than-expected Q3 results, it can be illuminating to see the world—at least temporarily—through the eyes of Larry Ellison.
Stream a new Cloud Wars Live podcast episode, with AI expert Ben Rewis. We explore the AI dilemma: the need for regulation alongside innovation.
This article is brought to you by Nutanix. Cloudmania has not killed off on-premises tech, and a new study from Nutanix and IDC helps explain why.
Every time I start to get the impression that Microsoft is trying to do too many things too quickly, I take a look at comments from CFO Amy Hood.
My take on how Google Cloud snatched AWS client Major League Baseball (MLB) on the strength of multiple technologies plus YouTube and Ad Manager.
Stream the first episode of “Araujo on Transformation,” a new podcast series from Cloud Wars Live with author and speaker Charles Araujo.
Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff: “With our recent acquisition of Tableau, we’re turning Customer 360 data into actionable insights… available to every user.”
Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff announced his company’s record Q4 and fiscal-2020 earnings results, along with the departure of former co-CEO Keith Block.
Stream a new Cloud Wars Live podcast with Peter Steube of ETR, to hear what the survey firm is seeing around increased spending on Google Cloud.
Stream the latest Cloud Wars Live podast: Tony Uphoff explains how the response to coronavirus in Wuhan illuminates changes in modern manufacturing.
Stream the Cloud Wars Live podcast. Christopher Lochhead apes John Doerr’s famous statement about the internet in the 90s to say: the cloud is underhyped.
At a recent Goldman Sachs investors conference, Thomas Kurian was asked during for this thoughts on the AWS Super Bowl ads.
There’s much more here than simple sniping from marketplace rivals. Here’s what stood out to me from the recent SAP Q4 earnings call.
Last week, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella predicted that tech spending is set to double in the next decade. I’veI outlined 6 key factors in this ongoing surge.
For Microsoft, another blowout quarter brings its total enterprise-cloud revenue for calendar 2019 to $44.7 billion. I expect Amazon’s to be $34.8 billion.
On yesterday’s Q4 earnings call, SAP said Qualtrics & experience management are its growth engines for the future, but that it won’t abandon its past.
Stream the latest episode of Cloud Wars Live, to hear Tony Uphoff explain why Industry 4.0 will kick into full swing in 2020—and what the impact will be.
IBM saw its Q4 cloud revenue jump 23%. But CEO Ginni Rometty cannot afford another post-Q4 dropoff. I’ve brainstormed 5 ways that IBM can maintain its pace.
Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian is buying and building new firepower to outflank Microsoft and Amazon in the competitive enterprise-cloud marketplace.