In this episode of the Back @ IT podcast, Aaron and guest Venkat Ramaswamy discuss the key pillars of successful co-creation both now and in the future.
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In the third part of this explainer series, Toni Witt provides an example of non-fungible token use cases, a project he’s a part of called
There’s no such thing as bad data, Pablo Moreno argues, but it’s up to humans to govern AI-generated output to drive long-term data value
Bob dives into the second quarter performance of three Cloud Wars heavy hitters, with an emphasis on how their CEOs are investing in modern cloud technology.
Bonnie Tinder of Raven Intelligence dives into how business leaders get the most out of events for their customers.
Episode 15 of the Growth Swarm podcast, covers how retail is not only evolving with cloud and other technologies, but also mashing up with other industries.
Hoy día es necesaria una sólida formación en análisis de datos en cualquier profesión, pero el problema existe desde la educación formal.
New recruiting software applies AI to engage candidates and try to continually progress them through the funnel.
Total immersion in the Metaverse can have negative effects on users. With the Metaverse detracting from the physical world, how will human rights be exercised?
La transformación digital requiere colocar a los empleados y al equipo en el centro de esa misma transformación.
Startup places strong emphasis on keeping candidates engaged and advancing them through the recruitment ‘funnel.’
Bob Evans explains why this milestone “needs to be recognized and applauded.”
CISO and Acceleration Economy Analyst Rob Wood explores the cloud compliance approaches about which he is most excited.
In this My Metaverse Minute article, Kieron Allen discusses the difference between misinformation and disinformation. After establishing the difference, Kieron explores the ways the Metaverse is addressing misinformation and disinformation.
Demand is ‘surging’ as customers look to Celonis to help solve issues with supply chain, inventory, IT sprawl, and more.
In this Cloud Wars Expo News Desk interview, the digital studio’s Co-Founder and CEO discusses bridging the gap between the fashion-beauty industries and the Metaverse.
Aiming to expand jobs and economic value from the Metaverse, the Shanghai city government recently released its strategy to build out the virtual world.
Pat and Bob talk about the evolution of talent acquisition and two critical strategies: active recruitment and an emphasis on culture.
In this Cloud Wars News Desk interview, Microsoft Global Chief Medical Officer Dr. David Rhew discusses healthcare cloud solutions, becoming carbon-negative, and how virtual health is just the start of the industry’s overdue digitization.
Desarrollar un modelo de negocio viable en el Metaverso no es tarea fácil dada la velocidad de evolución de este entorno. Analizamos 3 casos.