In Episode 114 of My Metaverse Minute, Kieron examines how the concept of beauty is likely to change within the Metaverse and what it might mean for real-world trends.
00:08 — What does beauty look like in the Metaverse? Beauty trends are bound to be redefined with limitless possibilities (and without anatomical restraints) in ways we’ve never before experienced.
01:12 — Whatever people presume to be beautiful in terms of art will someday be replicated in the Metaverse as the technology behind avatars improves.
01:35 — By redefining beauty in the Metaverse, we may be able to better tackle real-life issues with body dysmorphia and other beauty-related problems.
02:14 — The Metaverse could help soften the harsh beauty standards of the real world and address serious social issues related to self-esteem.
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