In Episode 33 of the Data Modernization Minute, Wayne Sadin discusses the topic of vendors and offers his advice to CIOs looking to maintain strong relationships with their vendor directory.
00:29 — Wayne says he has spent millions of dollars with vendors, which led him to be invited to vendor events, meet with vendor executives, and serve on vendor advisory boards. This is because he volunteered his own time, as well as his organization’s time, and acted as the beta site for the product.
01:03 — By befriending vendors, Wayne’s former organization got attention from some of the biggest companies in the world. If an organization does not have “big bucks,” they should have a “big mouth” and advise the vendor. This is how employees can get invited to be on advisory boards.
02:08 — Wayne knew that putting time, interest, and attention on big vendors would open doors. He reports that this opened doors for his employer, allowing it to participate in a variety of tests and programs.
02:45 — Influence matters and people like to do business with people that they know. Wayne’s message to CIOs is to educate themselves and their team to be able to participate in opportunities they otherwise would not have. He encourages CIOs to spend time participating with those in their vendor directory. If there is not a large budget in place, dedicate individual and employee time to improve the relationship with a major supplier.
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