This episode is brought to you by the Cloud Wars Expo. This in-person event will be held from June 28th to 30th at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, California.
00:17 — The modern economy is governed by data. As data becomes increasingly critical to everyday processes, organizations within the corporate world will continue pouring resources into data storage, management, and processing.
01:06 — The concept of Big Data emerged as billions and even trillions of rows of data were collected and stored in cloud platforms and devices around the world. For years, the assumption has been that more data will lead to better analysis and decision-making.
01:42 — However, Big Data may not be as relevant as initially believed. Recent trends show companies prioritizing small, accurate, and reliable data over Big Data.
02:25 — Large volumes of data aren’t always impactful or in a state where they can be effectively analyzed. Splitting Big Data into more manageable fractions will help improve decisions.