Each month, Tony Uphoff, visionary CEO of Thomasnet.com, joins Cloud Wars Live for a recurring segment. “Uphoff on Industry” will explore the innovations, upheavals, and breakthroughs reshaping the the world of manufacturing and industrial markets. Join Tony and me as we discuss disruptive new trends in the digital-industrial world. Today, we talk disruption: why it’s coming for the manufacturing industry and many others.
Episode 29
The Big Themes:
- A fascinating cultural shift: The millennial generation’s increasing dissatisfaction with “knowledge work” and the increasing interest in wanting to make things.
- The cultural legacies of the US manufacturing industry: This is why so many industries are disrupted by outsiders.
- Technology continues to advance dramatically: It’s time to transform and upgrade how technology is positioned, explained, and sold.
- Many scheduled office re-openings have been pushed back: We’re seeing some companies announce full remote plans in perpetuity. What will this push-back do to the tentative office re-opening plans?
The Big Quote:
- “In New York City, there’s over 8,000 small manufacturers that are generating over $7 billion a year in revenue.”
- “We hit a really interesting inflection point where the number of millennial managers were in the workforce and at the same size as the Baby Boom managers.”
- “The US manufacturing industry is close to a $3 trillion industry—there are not of industries of that size walking around.”
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Cloud Wars Live Digital All-Stars
Tony Uphoff is one of our regular Digital All-Stars. The All-Stars are experts whose video podcasts will focus on the critical themes shaping (and re-shaping!) the business world here in the digital age of 2021. Our intention is to provide regular chunks of timely ideas and insights about high-priority subjects from industry veterans with diverse backgrounds.
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