Here’s my conversation with Accenture’s Larry Socher, the second podcast episode in our limited series “Cloud Wars Executive Insights.” As the tech companies in our Cloud Wars Top 10 rankings drive transformation not just in individual corporations but also across entire global industries, it’s essential for business executives to understand the strategic intentions of each of these vendors. That’s what this new limited series is all about.
Episode 2: Accenture
In this episode, I talk with Larry Socher, who is the Global Managing Director for Infrastructure Services Growth and Strategy at Accenture. Larry and I go over the lessons Accenture has learned over the course of some 20,000 tech projects with clients. We dive into the talent shortage that ever-accelerating digital transformation has created, and what Larry sees as the solutions to it. And we discuss how Larry manages to remain a trusted partner (or perhaps, diplomat?) to hyperscalers AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, as well as to all the major SaaS vendors—while still pushing Accenture to compete with them for customers.
You can also stream the audio-only version of the episode:
Key Concepts
No one cares about cloud and infrastructure—except for how it serves the application that serves the business. – Larry Socher Click To Tweet The whole market is looking at that skills shortage… We see a lot of opportunity out there to help our clients overcome a lot of these hurdles. – Larry Socher Click To Tweet In the old days we used to do everything—and we still do everything, but now we focus in our bet. – Larry Socher Click To Tweet
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Stream other relevant episodes of Cloud Wars Live
- Google Cloud’s Strategy | Cloud Wars Top 10 Executive Insights
- Joshua Greenbaum: Customer Success is the Vendor’s Responsibility
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Explore the Cloud Wars Top 10 rankings, which we update each week with new analysis and commentary.
Cloud Wars Top 10 Executive Insights
A limited interview series from Cloud Wars Live. The tech companies in the Cloud Wars Top 10 are driving the transformations of not just individual corporations but also of entire global industries. As such, it’s essential for business executives to understand the strategic intentions of each of these vendors. Our “Executive Insights” series drills down into the unique strategies, differentiated capabilities, and customer orientations of each vendor in the Cloud Wars Top 10. We aim to deliver a compelling overview of how highly influential tech giants are changing how the world lives, works, plays, learns and dreams.