Too often people only think about cybersecurity after a negative event, but it’s important to be risk-ready all the time, as Frank explains.
In this CXO Roundtable discussion, Tony Uphoff, Wayne Sadin, and Kieron Allen work through the details of the CRO’s job, and wonder if the role is here forever, or just until we all get used to working from anywhere.
La correcta combinación de datos y la automatización de procesos juegan un papel clave en términos de agregar valor en un entorno inflacionario sin agregar más costo.
In Q3, all of the Cloud Wars Top 10 companies demonstrated exceptional growth — except Salesforce. Bob reviews the numbers.
In episode 19, Kenny outlines five priorities for chief information officers to ensure that an enterprise resource planning system is a launching point for new technology innovation in business strategies.
In episode 37, Wayne explains how a powerful sustainability strategy can positively impact businesses and their finances, customers, employees, and partners.
In a conversation with Bob Evans, Oracle CEO Safra Catz reflects on her journey with the company, including surviving the 2001 internet bubble, her transition to sole CEO, the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, and her rapport with Larry Ellison.
In this episode, Bob reveals the identity of the Cloud Wars CEO of the Year 2022 and previews his one-on-one interview with Catz to be published later today.
Bill reviews ThreatQuotient’s “2022 State of Cybersecurity Automation” report, which finds that the majority of organizations experience pain problems implementing these initiatives.
While Salesforce’s Q3 numbers revealed some uplifting results and possibilities, the overall picture shows a company in disarray that has suddenly fallen out of phase with a vast market it has helped to power for the past two decades.
In ep. 36 of the Data Modernization Minute, Wayne shares the example of a data widget company its inability to pivot.
Considering Salesforce’s dismal Q3 results, Bob shares what he thinks the company must examine to get back on the growth train.
Kieron explains how the cloud-based open directory startup has expanded from providing a remote device and identity access management tool to now offering a wide array of services and mechanisms for remote work IT management.
A simple premise sums up how HPE is delivering sterling performance numbers: customer demand for hybrid cloud.
Hybrid cloud, specifically HPE’s Greenlake platform, is the big driver in better-than-expected financials and go-forward outlook.
In this Celosphere 2022 News Desk interview, Accenture leaders describe the company’s hackathon-winning app that leverages Celonis tech to help customers respond to and manage supply chain disruptions.
Kenny explains how CIOs can build co-creation partnerships and embrace innovation leadership to advance their organizations.
Bob analyzes Workday’s Q3 earnings call, which revealed robust growth that the company’s co-CEOs attribute to customers consolidating cloud providers in the uncertain macro-environment.
In this Cloud Wars Expo moment, Eric Washer, VP of Industry and CFO, Product Strategy, Workday, describes what modern ERPs need to include to adhere to the shifting demands of varying industries.
At the Celosphere conference, Accenture execs discuss their relationship with Celonis and development work, including a supply chain application.