Welcome to the Cloud Wars Minute — your daily news and commentary show, hosted by Cloud Wars Founder Bob Evans. Each episode provides insights and perspectives around the “reimagination machine” that is the Cloud.
1:08 – In a previous Cloud Wars Minute, Bob covered mentioned that three companies – SAP, Microsoft, and Google Cloud – are leading the way with sustainability cloud solutions. Further, he covered SAP’s sustainability efforts.
1:29 – In this episode, Bob focuses on Microsoft which announced its sustainability commitment last year. Further, this announcement was accompanied by a blog post from President Brad Smith, and EVP & Chief Commercial Officer, Judson Althoff, in which they laid out the case for why they’re doing this.
2:00 – The big point from Microsoft is that in order to do this, the language used, the data looked at – to give businesses the opportunity and the tools they need to really follow through on the desire – they have to tie together sustainability efforts with operational data and financial data and not be just a “bolt-on”.
2:55 – Smith said the big thing they’re trying to do now is “get after the real challenges, not these ones floating around the edges.” And the 6 industries that Microsoft Cloud for sustainability has are automotive, retail, manufacturing, energy, financial services, and infrastructure management.
3:42 – With Microsoft being #1 in the Cloud Wars Top 10 for the past 3 years, it sways so much influence in the market, that its presence here is going to be a big driver for some business executives to feel these sustainability solutions are serious.