“Tinder on Customers” is the monthly Cloud Wars Live podcast series featuring Bonnie Tinder. Bonnie is the founder and CEO of Raven Intel, an independent B2B peer review site that’s amplifying the voice of the customer. She focuses on software customers, consulting partners and software vendors, and helps identify the best partners for their needs. In this episode, we talk more about the current trend of job flux, and how services firms and their clients can find new ways to minimize disruptions caused by job changes.
Episode 18
The Big Themes:
- Good scope = good outcome. And the opposite is almost always true!
- Massive personnel turnover. Services firms and their clients need to find new ways to minimize disruptions caused by job changes.
- A very clear timeline: Those simple sort of project hygiene type of things really make a big difference in the success of the project.
- Software vendors have their own issues: Partners and customers are changing rapidly, and those changes are not limited to personnel.
The Big Quotes:
- “They felt like it made their job 10 times more difficult because of the lack of travel they enjoy as part of being a consultant.”
- “It was actually a refreshing experience especially with little face-to-face interaction due to the pandemic.”
Stream this episode in audio-only format:
More episodes of Tinder on Customers:
- Whipping the Great Resignation
- Turn Software Projects into Value Accelerators
- Central Casting Meets the Software Project
Cloud Wars Live Digital All-Stars
Bonnie Tinder is one of our regular Digital All-Stars. The All-Stars are experts whose video podcasts will focus on the critical themes shaping (and re-shaping!) the business world here in the digital age of 2021. Our intention is to provide regular chunks of timely ideas and insights about high-priority subjects from industry veterans with diverse backgrounds.