Version 10.0.12 is now generally available:
If you are planning to update existing VM to Version 10.0.12, you will hit this error message when opening (browsing) application.
This is because the .Net version needs to be updated in the VM, see—net-version-and-visual-studio-2017
What does this mean for you today?
- If you are planning to update your developer or build VM to PU36/10.0.12 or higher, consider just redeploying a new VM and you will be all set!
- If you cannot deploy a new VM just yet:
- If you have a Microsoft-managed VM, we will take care of .NET 4.7.2 for you prior to the PU37/10.0.13 release.
- If you have a VM on your own subscription, or you use the downloaded VHD, you will need to manually install .NET 4.7.2 today or any time prior to installing PU37/10.0.13.
- In both of those cases, you will need to get a new VM by April 2021!