Universal access to healthcare information – including patient records – is still one of the healthcare industry’s biggest pain points. There are important advances taking place, however.
The developer of the massively popular game 4 Pics 1 Word is using Couchbase’s mobile sync capabilities to support great user experience and data consistency.
SAP’s new product, the SAP Datasphere, is a business data fabric architecture that provides data federation, data lakes, and data warehouses while preserving context.
A distributed cloud database architecture enables Couchbase to power a range of customer use cases while delivering quantifiable business impact.
Modern ERP systems are installed in the cloud and are cheaper and more efficient than their predecessors, making them perfect for the Acceleration Economy, says Wayne Sadin.
Developers need guidance from CISOs to protect corporate data stores, ensure compliance, and spot disgruntled employees, and more, analysts Chris Hughes and Paul Swider explain.
ERP is in the spotlight as companies look to get more out of their existing processes. Wayne Sadin gives insight into modern ERP’s capabilities.
Data security strategy must go beyond securing a company’s data and employees to protect every data channel and counterparty. Wayne Sadin presents guidelines for managing third-party data risks.
Kieron Allen highlights how CockroachDB Dedicated is PCI-DSS certified, making it easier for customers to protect payment card information.
Kieron Allen reports an inspirational story that demonstrates how the Couchbase Capella’s cloud database provide support for extremely diverse applications.
Wayne Sadin explains how data governance came to be so messy, and how strategic use of cloud and cybersecurity can impose order.
Wayne Sadin and Kieron Allen lay out the key factors that landed 10 companies on our Data Modernization shortlist.
The only thing scarier than Southwest Airlines’ meltdown was the FAA and NAV CANADA system crashes. Wayne Sadin explains why.
Procurement professionals have traditionally focused on the purchase of goods and services, but now there is a third category emerging — data — that requires their expertise, too.
The capabilities of Snyk for automatic discovery & remediation have positioned it to shift security left. However, vendor solutions only go so far.
In ep. 55 of the CXO Minute, Tony Uphoff highlights three key events of 2022 and why they matter for business technology.
In this Data Modernization discussion, Wayne Sadin and Pablo Moreno talk about data scientists — specifically, what they do, why they are needed, and how they might work in the future.
How MongoDB, UiPath, Couchbase, and Cloudflare beat expectations and raised their outlook amid challenging macroeconomic conditions.
Today’s technologies enable business users to identify problems. They simultaneously provide users with a means to address these problems, quickly, explains Kieron in episode 11.
In this Cloud Wars Expo Moment, Peter Guagenti, CMO of Cockroach Labs, calls out the false promises of the modern cloud and how they fell short.