Business Challenge – Finding a way to improve supply chain management.
Y. Hata & Co. Limited is the largest independent and family-owned food service distributor in Hawaii. The company needed to find a way to improve its supply chain management. They decided to partner with Blue Horseshoe Solutions, Inc. as well as Visionet Systems, Inc. to streamline its business.
Software Solution – Microsoft Dynamics 365
These partner companies chose to implement Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations to help empower this digital initiative at Y. Hata & Co. Limited. Using this software solution made it possible to strengthen its management of purchasing, accounting, sales, and warehousing. Visionet also implemented technology for a B2B customer portal, EDI communication, business intelligence capabilities, and a mobile application for sales.
The Results
Partnering with Visionet made it possible for the company to reach all of its digital business initiatives, such as gaining access to the latest technology and emphasizing customer collaboration. Leveraging pre-built solutions minimized the risks of implementation while also accelerating deployment, such as using Partnerlink for EDI.
Y. Hata also improved their complex supply chain operations with the help of Microsoft Dynamics 365. Blue Horseshoe Solutions already had prior experience with food industry logistics, as they were able to create an industry-specific solution for optimizing the implementation timeline.
Both Visionet and Blue Horseshoe worked with the company in evaluating numerous ERP packages available on the market, as they eventually chose the Microsoft platform due to it meeting their current needs and future goals. One of the main keys to success for a 106-year-old company is continual improvement. Using the Dynamic SaaS model with Azure Cloud made it possible for them to streamline the supply chain while also advancing their technology for the future.
Using Microsoft Dynamics 365 will play a key role in developing future technology, such as AI and other tech innovations for the foodservice industry. Implementing this technology was an excellent investment for Y.Hata, as they continue to look at ways to improve their business.