Oracle’s CEO Safra Catz suggests that Oracle’s booming cloud business will grow 50% in the next quarter, after seeing 45% growth in Q3.
Search Results: artificial intelligence (1168)
Oracle CEO Safra Catz projects 50% growth in cloud revenue in the next quarter, enabling the company to continue down the path of being the fastest-growing cloud provider.
Machine learning comes with many benefits for cybersecurity, but cutting-edge bad actors are looking to exploit ML for their own gain. Chris Hughest explains how to fight “adversarial ML.”
Frank Domizio explains why cybersecurity professionals must continuously be on the lookout for ways in which the zero trust security model could become vulnerable to ever-evolving attackers.
AI and automation can protect against financial and reputational losses from data theft and ransomware in financial software, writes Bill Doerrfeld.
Multi-cloud is a key driver of digital transformation for many organizations, but it’s not always easy to get your workforce on board. Here’s how.
Wayne Sadin describe en este artículo los riesgos de sesgo en resultados de grandes modelos de IA y la seguridad de datos en su contexto de IA.
El analista Ronak Mathur describe en este artículo la importancia de adoptar la inteligencia artificial en cualquier empresa de forma transversal.
Bob Evans reviews the latest earnings results for Workday in Q4. The company saw a 25% jump in its total subscription backlog.
Aaron Back and Sudha Ranganathan of LinkedIn explore how AI can accompany soft skills and reveal new roles within an organization.
Wayne Sadin shares why the advent of generative AI puts pressure on organizations to tighten up their data and security strategies to avoid bias and protect sensitive data.
Joanna Martinez describe en este artículo el proceso de adquisición de datos externos y las particularidades de su gestión en la cadena de suministro.
Tony Uphoff describe y analiza el impacto presente y futuro de ChatGPT. Estamos presenciando un cambio de paradigma tecnológico.
With the rise of generative AI, companies with weak data exfiltration controls are at even more risk of inadvertent disclosure of data, explains Wayne Sadin.
Toni Witt explica en este artículo algunos ejemplos de usar inteligencia artificial y web3 -blockchain- para incrementar la sostenibiliad ambiental.
Professional services organizations are in demand as customer needs shift rapidly. Scott Vaughan shares advice on how they can adapt and capitalize on the opportunities available.
SAP is turning 51 but Bob Evans says it is becoming a youthful unicorn with the help of its experience centers, fashion initiatives, and superb customer focus.
IT professional services firms are skyrocketing in growth. They’ll need to add new service lines to meet customer and market demand. Analyst Janet Schijns outlines the steps to do so effectively.
By analyzing data that athletes generate on the field, AI-and machine learning-powered predictions are preventing injuries and resulting in optimized training regimens.
As AI progresses, concerns about ethics and standards increase. Ronak Mathur shares insights and tools for ethical AI technology and practices.