Si estosistemas digitales y nuestra sociedad no implementan sistemas resistentes y de supervivencia cibernética, nos enfrentaríamos a un mundo de dolor.
Search Results: Public Sector (250)
La automatización de procesos puede reducir el riesgo operativo y fallos de cumplimiento, especialmente en industrias de alta regulación. Aprenda cómo obtener valor con el uso de RPA
These three modern economic models not only help grow revenue for businesses but also have advantages for customers as well.
While it can be challenging to meet compliance, RegTech automation capabilities can help organizations meet requirements.
In addition to projects in the Metaverse, blockchain has greater potential if developers break through the roadblocks to further applications.
With the risk of Ransomware increasing, organizations need to apply this guidance to prepare and prevent attacks.
In this Back @ IT episode, Aaron chats with Kathryn Rose about having a diverse mindset and fostering a welcoming culture of inclusivity, especially in STEM fields.
As manufactures continue to make efforts towards sustainability, digital twins provide more opportunity to achieve sustainability goals.
In this Enterprise AI Minute, Aaron discusses how AI can be used as a proactive tool to combat against cyber warfare.
The higher education industry is full of potential for automation, as it can benefit management, administrative staff, and students.
Cybersecurity impacts all areas of our daily life more than we realize. It’s a call to make security rigor a priority, not a platitude.
Review the top cybersecurity frameworks from NIST, CIS, CSA, ISO, and AWS. By following these benchmarks, you can improve your organization’s security.
Follow these benchmarks to improve your cybersecurity.
Bob Evans discusses a new IBM Cloud breakthrough with Head of Cloud Platform, Howard Boville on risk-management advances
Data science becomes essential to making data-driven decisions. How does low-code play a part in this?
In this Predictions 2022 episode, the Analyst Network reacts to predictions involving how blockchain disrupts the status quo.
Data privacy has become a critical component of many companies’ core business strategies. What does Apple’s latest data protection innovations mean for business app developers?
Security is critical to business success, as an enabler and a competitive differentiator. Here are 5 cybersecurity priorities to address in 2022.
La seguridad es fundamental para el éxito empresarial, como facilitador y diferenciador competitivo. Aquí hay 5 prioridades de ciberseguridad para abordar en 2022.
The FBI warns that cyber – criminals are currently targeting firms in the food and agriculture industries. The Cyber Division…
Las aplicciones de salud y bienestar ayudan a facilitar un mejor servicio sanitario por parte de empresas de salud privada. En este post va a comprender el alcance de cómo las aplicaciones de participación del paciente afectarán las disposiciones de atención médica