I have now had multiple users of GP ping me on adding the 1099 Box to their 1099 SmartLists checks for reporting this year.
The 1099 Box does not appear as an option in the SmartLists in GP right now, but IS in the view in SQL already. Now this may have been a timing issue where in the SmartList was created before the 1099 Box was added to GP. The reason it is not there now is unknown to me, but there is a work around.
This works similarly in SmartList Designer (that comes with GP), but I have SmartList Builder installed, which is an eOne product.
Adding the box is fairly simple, and you can use a similar method to add it to Payables Transactions by ‘Modifying’ the out of the box reports and ‘joining’ the Vendor View on Vendor ID=Vendor ID and pulling in the Box Number.
But for the screenshots today, we are simply creating a NEW SmartList that is titled 1099 Vendors:
Just click on Designer or Builder and add the View “Vendors” and choose to default into the report the fields you are looking for including the field [1099 Box]