00:06 — Within the Metaverse, there will be personal boundaries and certain ways of which they are policed.
00:13 — Meta announced that they have introduced a 4-foot personal space boundary on their Horizon Worlds and Horizon Venues platforms. This new personal boundary space of 2-feet per avatar will be installed by default.
00:32 — It’s possible when two avatars meet, to turn this default setting off and shake hands, fist pump—whatever you want to do—but by default, you will be confined by this personal space boundary.
00:49 — This comes on the back of many instances of harassment within virtual spaces. As these platforms are getting more complex and widespread, sexual harassment has become a problem.
01:29 — Obviously, we need governance, but is imposing a default boundary-setting right? Would it be better to ensure that these kinds of sexual encounters are impossible with your avatar by making it virtually impossible to encroach into someone’s space in a way that may feel threatening?
02:04 — Perhaps at this early stage, instead of just blocking people’s interactions and taking away that freedom, you make it impossible to do things that make people feel uncomfortable.
02:17 — I can imagine in the future, as the Metaverse develops, there will be spaces where consenting adults—people of a certain age—can enable these interactions. But perhaps limiting interactions completely with a default setting for personal boundaries isn’t the right way to go.
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