In this moment from an executive interview filmed on location at Oracle CloudWorld, Bob Evans and Greg Pavlik, senior vice president, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, talk about how technology could make healthcare more efficient, improving business and patient outcomes.
00:09 — Greg had a medical procedure a few years ago and had to lay flat in the hospital bed for six hours. Every time he looked up, somebody was at a computer typing away.
00:25 — He wondered if they were on the internet or playing games. But when he started working with the healthcare team for the Cerner acquisition, he realized they were doing summarization: referral letters, insurance, company updates, etc.
00:55 — If one could take each of those items and bring down the same four to five hours a day to 20 minutes, that would be a massive productivity gain. It wouldn’t just be cost-savings: The doctors would be able to spend more time with patients and provide better healthcare.