You’re watching a Future Office of the CFO Minute – where you’ll find timely perspectives designed to equip financial executives for strong, future-ready decisions. This series is hosted by John Siefert, Acceleration Economy Network Co-Founder and CEO, in a discussion with Manny Korakis, a Senior Level Finance Executive at a multi-national corporation. In Episode 2, Manny offers CFO insights on technology and defines where finance functions are headed.
0:16 – John kicks off the conversation by asking the question “What is the Future Office of the CFO?”
0:29 – Manny reflects on when he first started, the CFO Function was focused on history and compliance: largely looking backwards to the numbers and building forecasts. Now the function has become more operational in partnership within the business.
1:00 – Manny views the Future Office of the CFO involving more data and technology. Beyond just Excel or Lotus, companies are now embracing skillsets like RPA that drive better analysis.
1:45 – Manny himself has hired Python experts who can use coding to build financial analysis. What used to be technology-only skillsets now appears in finance functions.
2:05 – The evolution might begin with a partnership with technology, but Manny believes the CFO office will become more intertwined with technology into day-to-day functions.