Windi Epperson is the Director Of Research Development at Njevity. She has vast expertise in implementing, training, and performing ongoing support for Microsoft Dynamics GP.
In this brief interview, Windi chats with Aaron Back, Senior Analyst with Acceleration Economy Media. They discuss what attendees can learn from her Community Summit sessions.
Windi will be sharing her experience and knowledge on the advantages of Microsoft Dynamics GP in seven sessions. Her primary goal is to help people walk away with some best practices and perspectives as well as tips and tricks on overcoming GP struggles.
Locked Away – Ransomware, Avoidance and Recovery:
Attend this session where experts share their advice regarding the security and ransomware risks facing both on-premise and cloud-based applications.
Getting Started with GP Inventory:
Do you need to start tracking inventory and just aren’t sure where to start? Join this session to discuss the setup of inventory along with tips to help things run smoothly.
MDA, AA, and PA – What the….:
Take a look into Multi-dimensional analysis, Analytical Accounting, and Project Accounting. This session provides an overview of all 3 with information to answer “when would I use each one”.
Backup horror stories and how to keep them from happening to you!:
Join this roundtable to hear some of the most interesting backup horror stories we have as well as the simple lessons you can learn from them.
What the heck are we doing? And should we still be doing it?:
Most Dynamics GP customers have been using GP for 5 or more years. Chances are your business has changed since the time you implemented your software. Sometimes, those changes are accommodated outside your software. Oftentimes, there are little adjustments you can make or features you can turn on that will really help streamline your business. Join this session to talk about what’s available in Dynamics GP and the benefits that can be gained by doing a simple business process review.
Dynamics GP Housecleaning – Let’s Get the Junk Out of Your Trunk:
In this session, attendees will learn more about reconciles, check links, ISVs, your dynamics.set file, and much more!
Working from home now? Remote Desktop Tips and Best Practices:
Track – Digital Business. This session will help you get the best performance out of your remote desktop environment.
Windi is looking forward to attending Summit because she wants to interact with everyone who attends Summit and learn something new.