Welcome to the Cloud Wars Minute — your daily news and commentary show, hosted by Cloud Wars Founder, Bob Evans. The next three minutes are packed with insights and perspectives around the “reimagination machine” that is the Cloud! Today’s Topic: Market Cap Madness Meets Industry Cloud Intensity
0:05 – Cloud Wars Minute is presented by Redis. Read more about Redis on Cloud Wars.
0:20 – Checking back in on the regular Cloud Wars series, Market Cap Madness, today Bob wants to talk about the fact that Salesforce, Snowflake and Workday have all reached their all-time high market caps. Combined, the three companies are currently valued at half a trillion dollars.
0:40 – All three companies will be reporting their Q3 earnings results in the next couple of weeks, and investors have set expectations extremely high.
01:17 – First up: Salesforce usually grows at 23% to 25%, regardless of how big the company gets. It is a nearly $30-billion juggernaut in the software industry, with a market cap of $320 billion.
01:40 – Snowflake is at the other end of the spectrum, in a way, with less than $1 billion in trailing 12-month revenue. But Snowflake’s market cap has been set at $120 billion!
02:09 – Workday has seen its market cap swell to an all-time high of $75 billion. Workday generally grows at 18% to 20% each quarter.
02:29 – While these companies are all extremely different, one big thing they have in common is that each has become intensely focused on industry-specific solutions and industry clouds.