News Cloud Revenue: Microsoft Bigger than Amazon + Google, 2X Bigger than IBMBy Bob EvansAugust 20, 2020
Cloud How Microsoft Helps Top Retailers Deliver World-Class Experiences—and SoftwareCo-Created ContentBy Bob EvansAugust 19, 2020
Cloud CXOs: in Video World, Don’t Look Like Sci-Fi Creature! | Sadin on DigitalBy Cloud Wars LiveAugust 17, 2020
Cloud How Larry Ellison Is Shuffling Top Execs to Spark Next-Gen Oracle CloudBy Bob EvansAugust 14, 2020
Cloud Will Salesforce Be First Cloud Apps Vendor to Top $5 Billion in a Quarter?By Bob EvansAugust 11, 2020
Cloud SAS and Microsoft: The Operating System for Digital Transformation | Cloud Wars LiveBy Cloud Wars LiveAugust 10, 2020
Cloud What Does Larry Ellison Know that Salesforce, ServiceNow & IBM Don’t?By Bob EvansAugust 10, 2020
News Google Remains Fastest-Growing Cloud Vendor, Thumping Microsoft, Amazon, IBMBy Bob EvansAugust 3, 2020
Cloud How COVID-19 Has Sparked Huge Innovation for Microsoft & Healthcare CustomersCo-Created ContentBy Bob EvansJuly 31, 2020
Cloud Employee Well-Being During & After COVID: a Chat with Workday’s Chief People OfficerCo-Created ContentBy Bob EvansJuly 30, 2020
Cloud Why Slack’s Lawsuit vs. Microsoft Will Backfire | Ammirati on InnovationBy Cloud Wars LiveJuly 29, 2020
Cloud SAP Cuts Qualtrics Loose: Christian Klein’s Bizarre but Courageous MoveBy Bob EvansJuly 29, 2020
Cloud In Dangerous Times, SAP CEO Christian Klein Makes Clear: I’m in ChargeBy Bob EvansJuly 28, 2020
Cloud Remote Work and the Myth of the Open Office | Uphoff on IndustryBy Cloud Wars LiveJuly 27, 2020