Aleiha Hanson is the Senior Operations Specialist at Royal Basket Trucks. She is an experienced DBA with a multitude of managerial skills. She is also an involved volunteer within the Microsoft Dynamics Community; as both a presenter/trainer and a local chapter leader.
In this brief interview, Aleiha chats with Bridget Courneya, Editor with Acceleration Economy Media. They discuss what attendees can learn from her Community Summit sessions.
Aleiha will be sharing her experience and knowledge on the advantages of Microsoft Dynamics GP in two sessions. Her primary goal is to help people walk away with some best practices and perspectives as well as tips and tricks on overcoming GP struggles.
User Inventory Tips for Dynamics GP:
In this session, attendees will discover the “not-so-well-known” parts of the inventory module. Aleiha will discuss best practices as well as user-experience tips/tricks. It is recommended to have some inventory experience (GP or not).
You can do Manufacturing in Dynamics GP:
Manufacturing is complicated. So, let’s simplify it! From a user’s perspective and experience, attendees will learn all things GP manufacturing. Topics in this session will range from set-ups to learning MRP to reporting. Aleiha will provide tips, tricks, and best practices. Additionally, she will share examples of how to make manufacturing work for you.
Aleiha is looking forward to attending Summit because she wants to interact with everyone who attends Summit and learn something new.